February has been a month of healing and rest. Hip surgery went well and then I proceeded to spend 2 weeks on the couch. It was nice to have more time to spend in God’s word. I continue to try to keep my activity to a minimum since I am still healing.
Student link group updates:
Continue to meet with Annabelle, Sophie, and Aya. I enjoy our weekly meetings to hear what is happening in their lives and encourage them along the way. We are going through the Sonlife 40-day of Disciple-Making Journal.
Dasha – We were able to meet live which is always a treat.
AJ – Continue to meet on a weekly basis.
Friendship church group continues to work through the materials with Sophie and Annabelle doing an excellent job leading them. I have challenged them to put together a service project for the group. We also had a new member start, and one who had left return.
NEW: Gave 2 books to one of my nurses who plans to go through it with her husband.
Meeting with Alyssa on a monthly basis as she takes her kids through Student Link.
Helped Mark host a Sonlife Strategy seminar and Rick host A Skeptics Journey seminar on Feb. 24. Both seminars were well received with great feedback.
Best news is that 2 of the youth pastors took books to lead groups at their church. One will be leading 5 students and another 4 students. Time to print some more books.
Prayer Requests:
March 15-16 Rick and I will be presenting in Bemidji at the MCMA event. Excited to share what GLP can do for them.
March26-30 we will be in Toronto Canada where Rick will be hosting a seminar on Good Friday.
Continue to pray for those translating the materials.
Continue to pray for healing for myself and Nicole (she had ankle surgery in January)
Pray for finances to be covered.